9 Dec 2013

thought 3


Trusting life is not about getting what you want, hope for, await or expect. It’s about knowing that, whether or not you get what you thought you wanted, somehow you’ll always be given nourishing food for awakening; that situations, events, relationships will shake you up just enough – or more than enough - to focus you absolutely, to help you remember who you really are, to remind you of that original burning question, "who am I?", the most intimate question of all. Life's slings and arrows will bring those parts of you - those thoughts and feelings - desperately in need of kind attention to the real-time surface, where they can be seen, illuminated by the ever-present light of your loving awareness, held in your natural effortless embrace. Situations only become ‘problems’ when we forget our true calling, to meet life on its own terms, to embrace the unembraceable, to touch the darkness with our indestructible light.

Trust that what will happen will happen, and what will be spoken will be spoken, that choices will be made or not, pain will emerge or not, and trust is no longer a necessary word, because life is too intimate to be named, and you are too close to yourself to move away..
Empathy takes your abilities beyond your communication skills. Listen with empathy. Light your heart with understanding that goes beyond what is said, takes you beyond the language you know - at the root of what is felt, no matter whether it could be said or not said. When understanding widens, you read thoughts beyond the words. In the flame of your attention, the unsaid is within your understanding. In the light of empathy, you feel what your knowledge could not. There is very little that has to be expressed to you. You understand. You know. Regardless of what was said unto you, or not even unto you. Regardless of even whether it was said or left unsaid.
Thoughts of inadequacy are usually generated by other’s judgments of what they perceive as faults in you. You can choose to continue to give away your power and feed those “less than” thoughts or you can release them and know that The Universe made you perfect and lovely and wonderful just the way you are. Free will, as always, is yours and yours alone. ~ Creator
The fire of desire is burning
Why is it that all religions, all so-called religious people, have suppressed desire? All over the world, the monks, the sannyasis, have denied desire, though they are boiling inside. The fire of desire is burning, but they deny it by suppressing it or identifying that desire with a symbol, with a figure and surrendering that desire to the figure, to that person. But it is still desire. Most of us, when we become aware of our desires, either suppress or indulge it or come into conflict; the battle goes on. We are not advocating either to suppress it or to surrender to it or to control it. That has been done all over the world by every religious person. We are examining it very closely so that out of your own understanding of that desire, how it arises, its nature, out of that understanding, self-awareness of it, one becomes intelligent. Then that intelligence acts, not desire.

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