9 Dec 2013

thought 3

message for the day 2

message for the day


Japp at Home/Temple/Sitting alone
When we are repeating the name of God we must be conscious that we are repeating the name of one who is within us, who is one there being and existence we must keep this central fact in our mind when taking this name. Then the practice will gradually make us aware of his existence within us.
At the beginning we are not aware of this, but we intellectually accept the idea that God dwells within us and we take his name. The Association with him is there mentally and it grows into an experience when we actually feel his presence by constantly hammering into the mind that God whom we aspire two see is within us and that the name we repeat is his name.
The object of repeating the name is to purify the mind and thereby at the awareness of him within us.

As long as one is fit and able to earn and support one’s family, all the Kith & Kin and dependents attached are affectionate to him. As soon as one becomes old and infirous  no one cares to enquire of his well-being even in one’s own home. Earning man at home needs expects more care from his family but regret to this subject . I observed this lacking in some why this human’s don’t understand? Sometimes still alive and unanswered !
!! Radhekrishna!!

hara hara shankara

ego........... overcome....


We were born to succeed no to fail..
Everyone of our thoughts has a certain power on our body...
Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got...
fear comes when we violate our conscience..
Competence cannot cause passion but passion can always develop competence..
Be passionate in whatever you do today


We are the greatest thing on this earth.....struggling conquering in this life's battlefield....absolutely!

This is a fact of life that no one can avoid. In the end though, once you have attained success you will thank the thorns along the way for they have built your character and equipped you for success. Stay strong!
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength...the greatest things in life cannot be acquired easily needs the commitment...some sacrifice and stregth to withstand...
Prayer is deep gratitude within....
Krishna is totally nothing but celebration of life as he wishes for all of us on this heavenly earth... RADHA IS THE REVERSE OF DHARA... GOING AGAINST THE ROUTINE-THE TREND. JOURNEY TOWARDS THE SOURCE.KRISHNA GIVES THE PATH TO THE SOURCE-THE ORIGIN. THAT'S RADHA.
Press on. Obstacles are seldom of same size tomorrow as of today...

"Never be depressed seeing the obstacles on your path. You have the lamp of faith with you. Light it."
Miracles begin to happen when we give as much energy to our dreams as we do to our fears....
“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

moksha ramaraksha

V all agree that GOD is in everyone and everything. Love is our real nature... we must realize this. YES, Hell is a vile, abusive, disgusting concept. God buys love & loyalty with the threat of torture? A Gandhi, Teresa, Mandela would never... thought of torturing their enemies, whereas a Saddam, Hitler, Stalin ..... This is the company that God keeps?

Karma & Rebirth is the better way, the non-violent way. We are not punished, nor are we simply forgiven because we begged enough.

We are held accountable for our actions, We are reborn, given another chance to make amends.ramaraksha Moksha is EARNED, not given, and that is the essential difference between Moksha & Heaven.

One can beg for Gods mercy, grovel like a dog, and then be allowed to taste the pleasures of a flesh-pot heaven, but one cant beg for Moksha, because Enlightenment is acquired thru knowledge. Even if the Teacher takes pity on a student who turned in a bad paper, and passes him, it doesnt mean the student had suddenly acquired the knowledge. Reach for the Higher goal, reach for Moksharamaraksha

aum namah shivaya

A strong mind is needed ..and to follow respect moral values...
Cultivate good qualities and dispel vices from our mind. It is the grace of God that we are purifying our chitta and devoted to the eternal pure consciousness which ultimately help us from all pitfalls..

Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny ... he has something to fulfill , some message has to be delivered , some work has to be completed . You are not on the Earth accidentally ... you arehere meaningfully ... there is a purpose behind you .Think again ... Renew your Thoughts ... Find out your purpose..